Thom: This one, that one... and then two bottles of wine.
Wren: And me, I'll have the grilled octopus with the seasonal vegetables, please.
I've launched my print-on-demand shop! It's mostly Radio Silence merch with a dash of Dungeons and Dragons- shirts, masks, prints, stickers, hats, keychains, mugs, pdfs, and more! Everything but stickers are print-on-demand so holiday orders are possible!
There's a new DnD plushie available TODAY from For Fans by Fans! You can buy it here!
Thanks for your patience with the new pages! I'm working a lot behind the scenes and comic pages are taking longer than usual, and with it being the holiday season, it's about to get a little more hectic for me. Please consider clicking the Ko-fi donation on the side or subscribing to patreon, who got that adorable Wren/Shy mug as a gift this month!